Monday 20 January 2020

Weekend Habitat: Le Royal Monceau, Raffles Paris

Located on the prestigious Avenue Hoche, Le Royal Monceau embodies the Parisian "je-ne-sais-quoi" in all of its spontaneity and culture. Founded in 1928, the hotel is quintessential yet contemporary. The rooms are designed with 40's and 50's notes in mind. If you're looking for that traditional Parisian apartment, The Presidential suite is the one for you. The large panel doors and high ceilings make you question if you're in a hotel or a French luxurious home. With an added guest room, it's the perfect destination for an extended group to enjoy a night or two in the 1st Arr.

Moving onto the Ray Charles suite, the art deco curves lure you in. A rendez-vous for artists and bold spirits who are not afraid of their own era. Even though the suite is spacious, with the dropped ceilings and loft feel; it's that touch more cosy and takes you back to a time of 60's soul and jazz.

The images speak for when can we move in?

Photography: Helen-Jayne Driscoll
Le Royal Monceau website:


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